Saturday, September 18, 2010

the last pangs

in some ways it's been a mildly momentous week. and as i sit here with my pint of water feeling slightly queasy from the cider i drank last night, i can't help but feel a sense of, i hesitate to say (i don't really) smug satisfaction.

the last of my stuff arrived from australia yesterday, a wooden chest filled with trinkets. of course, said chest is quite securely locked with a padlock, the keys for which i'm pretty sure i gave to jeff, which now means pulling the house apart to find them. this is momentous though, because it now means that i'm officially here, i've finally moved in. and it's kind of a nice feeling. i feel kind of settled, although, coming from gypsy stock as i do, it usually doesn't take long for me to feel at home. be wary if i ask to stay for more than a few weeks!!

i am also mid birthday week, which began the night before my actual birthday. i've had cards, and cakes, and wine, and herb potatoes, and presents. and today i'm going shopping, during which i plan to get a shiny piece of pretty that my husband will pay for!

i'm also planning to get my hair cut. whilst over the history of my hair this is hardly momentous, i've been talking about getting my hair cut since i left japan six months ago, so if i actually go through with it, it will be a bit of a big deal. i have something of a fear and loathing for hairdressers, not individually mind, just as a group. i have never had a successful visit to a salon, by which i mean i walked out completely happy with the result. actually, that's not entirely true. i was pretty happy with getting my head shaved, but i'd kind of worked out how it would look! and that was at a festival, done by a guy raising money for...something to do with it doesn't really count.

lastly, on thursday morning i had my first moment of wanting to skive off work(chuck a sicky). i feel that this means i am now, well and truly, a part of the workforce. this is also evidenced by an increase in shouting at other drivers for their inability to use their cars in a safe and appropriate way. this is the first job i've had where i've had to drive to work, and so far i've been able to tolerate it, but i can see why it drives people to get out of their cars and shoot others.

oh, and we bought a big, shiny, flat screen tv.

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