Saturday, September 25, 2010

in times to come

here's what i'm most looking forward to. SNOW!!!!!! seriously, last night i had two separate dreams where it had started snowing! i long for the day where i wake up, open the window and it's all white and shiny outside!

here's what i'm most dreading. driving in the snow. this fear has been confounded by literally everyone i talk to giving me their concerned face when i say this will be my first winter here. they try to quickly recover and give me helpful advice like turn into the skid, but it's that first face that seriously worries me.

and i think everyone is expecting me to curl up into a ball and whimper when it starts getting cold. i know i'm not really prepared for it, but i hope at least i won't be dealing with it by turning to the foetal position. actually i'm planning to just rely on complaining loudly and often about the weather, mostly because i feel it will help me fit in with the locals!

speaking of, i am making headway with understanding the accent, though i still have problems with e and a. when they're spelling a word (i have to ask people at work to do this when i am talking to them on the phone) a sounds like e and vice versa, so there have been lots of frustrated conversations, usually ending in the person on the phone saying "a for apple, not e for elephant!". still, i find i can understand a few more words now, and have even started using words like lass in everyday speech!

oh, and in case you're wondering, i did get my haircut, and it's the most grown up haircut i've ever had!

ps if you're very good, there me be photos of deer for you to look at next week!

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