Friday, July 30, 2010

ichi day or filling the gaps

made it. hazah! it feels a little odd to be here after all these months. of course that could just be the jet lag, which slapped me in the face quite forcefully about 10 minutes ago. so, you know, you probably should be prepared for this entry to not make much sense.

i've officially been on british soil for about four hours. jeff is out getting me pizza, leaving me to languish in my jet lag haze and stare at the idyllic rural scene out the window. wanna see it?

actually this photo probably doesn't really do it justice. don't know, can't tell, the jet lag makes everything seem shiny!

shiny, shiny, shiny...

my last week in oz consisted of an afternoon tea, a train ride, a missed flight, rock climbing, yum cha, and an almost car crash! i could elaborate, but i'm not going to.

you know what, why don't we all just accept that this entry is really just filler? at the moment my brain is still flying somewhere over the indian ocean, so really, it's pretty impressive i wrote anything at all!

perhaps i will add an addendum in a few days. but probably not.

ps the lady at customs had THE most ponderous bosoms i have ever seen!


  1. i freaking love the photo, look at that poor little northern plant... reminds me of The Professional... you know where Jean Reno keeps that cute little Lilly...

  2. I'm glad you're finally reunited with your husband :)

  3. Welcome to the north east Mrs Johnston! xxxx
