Sunday, October 17, 2010


i know i'm a bit late with my posting this week, but i woke up yesterday morning and thought, stuff it, i'm having a day off from everything! i have emerged from said day satisfied, relaxed and pondering jeff's theory that all the odd star trek movies are crap but all the even ones are good. all 10 movies are being played back to back this weekend.

the past week has been one of heavy contemplation. i find myself in the midst of a career crisis, desperately trying to find some direction or sense of purpose when it comes to my working life.

my company had staff conferences last week, and as i sat in the crowd, cringing at the group activities, i thought to myself, i'm on the wrong side of the table. where i really want to be is up there, with all the big bods, making decisions (like a boss), being leadery (like a boss), signing off policies (like a boss). so, the obvious answer seems to be to work my up there.

the problem is that this job that i have now, i've been here before. i started at the bottom, worked my way up into head office, but then upped sticks and went to japan. so now i feel like i've taken a massive step backwards. and if i'm completely honest with myself, i went to japan partly to avoid thinking about careers, and directions and goals. i don't regret going to japan, but i do feel like past kristi could be inordinately lazy at times, and i wish she'd sorted herself out before now.

so, the end result of these rather pessimistic musings, is that i'm now considering new paths, directions, goals (insert other appropriate self-help lingo here).

so far i've come up with childminder, kindergarten teacher, writer, and opening an izakaya. all of these things i feel that i'm capable of doing (well, the writing thing, i would have to be a damn sight less lazy than i am now, but we can all fly in our daydreams!) of course, actually doing anything about it an entirely different situation!

observation for the week:

british people think like they're in a village; australian people think like they're on an isolated farm.

1 comment:

  1. The Star Trek theory is actually Simon Pegg's, he said it in Spaced, and then ended up starring in one.
