i have, actually, had a really great weekend. jeff's sister got married on friday. it was a really really nice wedding, great venue, yummy food, beautiful bride and groom. the only disappointment for me was that i had been previously told that there was always a brawl at english weddings, and all the guests at this one were far too lovely, so no fisticuffs were seen! it's always a let down when a cultural stereotype is a no show!
on saturday night we went to a 40th birthday party in a place called the hibernian club (or the hibs for short). it's basically a hall with a bar at the back, and i'm pretty sure the décor hadn't been changed since the mid sixties, judging by the wallpaper! and it had that sort of inground smell that was a mixture of stale beer, smoke, damp and body odour. still, fun was had, drinks were consumed, well, until the bartender said he was shutting the bar at 11 so that he could go downstairs and get his own drink on.
so yesterday was spent in a number of horizontal poses, involving eating crisps or sleeping. this wa only disturbed by the kids knocking for candy for halloween. this is the first time i've ever had trick or treaters! i found myself at a bit of a loss as to what to say when i opened the door. it strikes me as odd that there is a yearly tradition of basically asking strangers for candy, something i was always told was a sure fire way to end up in a ditch somewhere! but, never fear, i wasn't a mean old witch, candy was supplied. apparently i have to get ready for kids to come knocking on bonfire night asking for a penny for the guy (which i'm lead to believe is not some man sending his kids out to get him small brown coins, but is some sort of thing that you burn on your bonfire? i think...)
anyhoo, here are some photos.
Pfft Halloween is for weirdos... Strange candy loving freaks.