i have actually decided to rename the seasons. well, just summer at the moment. seeing as i have as yet to actually feel hot, i have chosen to name this season wimmer, which i feel appropriately sums up it's whimpy attempt to be summer (and is a clever play on words, do you see??)
oh dear, i seem to be complaining a lot about the weather. shoot, say something more interesting!
the weather does, however, lend itself to spending hours indoors, hunched over the keyboard, trolling through job sites, and trying to convince myself that three years in japan does not represent a great gaping hole in my relevant experience.
the job hunt has officially started. so far the score is days of feeling upbeat and positive: 1. days of feeling despondent and barely qualified to wash dishes: 4.
a depressing rant about my search for a job. oh yeah, that's much better!
at least my drive and resolve to find a job are high. i want to go to work so that i can start actually enjoying watching tv instead of feeling vaguely guilty that i'm not out knocking on people's doors, obnoxiously asking if there's any work going!
it really isn't all doom and gloom though. from last saturday, jeff and i are the proud owners of an allotment. (what is an allotment you say? i can't be bothered to explain. just wiki it. it'll be quicker for everyone involved)
here's what it looked like last saturday.
we spent a couple of hours on saturday cutting down the weeds with hand scythes and making a giant rubbish pile. so here's what it looks like now.
we have all the way up to the green house looking thing, which is currently weed choked, but belongs to someone else. anyway, we got sick of trying to get rid of all the weeds by hand so we had a mate come round to spray all the plants with weed killer (die, you suckers, die!!) once they're all dead we'll clear it all out then basically get everything ready to plant lots of veg in the spring.
oh my god! gardening?? really?? who are you??
as lazy as i can be, i've actually enjoyed it so far. i'm looking forward to making it into an actual garden, something i can stand in the middle of, with my hands on my hips, and look proudly and fondly on, possibly whilst chewing on some grass. or a pipe. something provincial anyway!
i don't even know you anymore.
that's all there is really. week two was much the same as week one. well except for the new wiz bang phone i got today! it's a sony ericsson xperia x10 mini, and is the coolest phone i've ever owned. jeff is deeply jealous, which of course only makes it more attractive to me! much of tonight will be spent trying to work out how to use it!
god i thought that would never end...
Haha! You have a very entertaining style of writing, Kristi. And I fully empathize with your feelings of job-hunt inadequacy due to spending three years in Japan.