and if it's election day it means that i'm a day late with my blog. oops. put it down to an overwhelming wave of laziness last night. once it rears its ugly head the lazy beast inside usually gets its own way.
the major theme for week three in o.b has been driving. originally i had thought that i would have to change my licence over to a british one before i could drive which meant that i had to rely on jeff to get around. but then when i actually took the time to read the information that the DVLA had sent to me, i realised that i was actually entitled to drive for 12 months on my aussie licence before changing it over.
so, woo hoo, right? mostly yes, however, i'm finding that it's all the little differences between oz and here (and japan too) that are starting to get to me. apparently the way that i indicate when driving around a roundabout is sufficiently scary enough to cause my husband to literally jump out of the passenger seat, grab the dashboard and yell at me! it came as a bit of a shock to learn that the logical use of a roundabout wasn't in fact universal! it would take too long, and probably several diagrams to explain the whole thing, but suffice to say it has to do with the appropriate situation to use your right side indicator. the end result of our rather lengthy discussion after the yelling incident is that i am now a cautious roundabout user, where as before i would sail through them with ease and confidence and a merry wave for my fellow drivers.
and english roads! what i would consider to be a one lane country track is in fact a main road here. i will film one for you so you can see what i mean! it can get a little scary!
keeping with the topic of driving, we drove up to see hadrian's wall on wednesday. it was built by the romans across britain to keep the marauding scots out. so i've seen my first roman ruins. it was pretty cool actually. here's a pic.
pretty neat, huh? i always find it cool to think that long ago this had been a place full of ordinary folk like me, probably hating their jobs (and the weather!), thinking about what they would do if they had more money.
and we drove on a roman road too, well, what used to be a roman road. man those suckers are straight! they would do any outback road proud!
well, i may have phoned this one in, but i'm starting to get hungry now, so it would only get worse if i pressed on.
till next week, gentle readers. kisses!
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