Sunday, December 26, 2010

well, (dusts hands off) that's another christmas done and enjoyed. and my first ever white christmas too! although i learnt yesterday that it isn't enough that there is snow on the ground, it actually has to fall on christmas day for it to be a white christmas. and as it did fall for about 3 minutes we can count it as a white christmas!

lots of people have asked me in the last week what christmas in australia is like. it's funny, really, because in oz we grew up with lots of images of a white christmas, but most brits don't really know what a hot christmas would be like. one lady expressed great surprise when her daughter told her that whole families rock up to the beach, pull out their folding chairs and their eskies (ice boxes), and hang out! it's usually too cold up here to do anything outside, so you spend the whole day inside, with you're family, which i imagine can lead to some tenseness! we had a lovely day with jeff's family though. and i had my first ever turducken! and plum pudding with brandy sauce! it was delicious! two very enthusiastic thumbs up!

and the best bit of the day? watching the dr who christmas special, on bbc 1! felt very british! loved it!

one last thing! i know i've been a bit pants with my entries lately, so one of my new years resolutions is to up my game and bring you a lot more interesting insights into life in britain. merry christmas everyone. you're all in my hearts over the holiday period!

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