isn't it exciting?? although all the locals are making concerned faces and commenting on how this is early for this much snow. i wonder how long it will take me to get sick of it? NEVER!
snow and traffic have been the big themes for this week. the first snowfall caught everyone by surprise, i think, so the roads were in chaos on thursday morning, resulting in me attempting to get to work, then giving up and going home. first snow day, check!
jeff and i were almost caught in a proper, stuck for several hours, traffic jam on our return from bristol on wednesday. thankfully, with a little bit of menacing reversing we escaped it's clutches. others were not so fortunate. i have heard tales of people being stuck for many hours!
i have been trying to be brave with the driving, although so far the roads have been fine. i'm supposed to go out today, but i'm thinking i might wuss out. i have learnt some valuable lessons however, such as, it's a good idea to seeep all the snow off you bonnet before leaving, otherwise you end up driving in your own mini snowstorm!
london was great, we saw lots, walked everywhere, and subsequently did more exercise than either of us have done since getting to england! i don't think our legs liked us very much after that!
anyhoo, i think i might go and play in the snow for awhile!
i'm sorry but she can't come to the computer right now as she is on a jaunt to london, where she will be taking in art, and culture and probably lots of alcohol.
if you'd like to imagine what she would have written about were she here, please do so after the beep.
*whispers* what are you thinking about??
in the mean time here is a song for you to enjoy.
there now, wasn't that nice?
(i will try to write again when we get back. tiny print means it's not a promise!)
i'm not really awake. i know typing up my blog would suggest otherwise, but i'm not. i also have the house to myself for most of the weekend. it was said to me this morning as my significant other walked out the door that i could probably achieve a lot, but i fear the call of the playstation may be too strong.
actually, i really need to go coat shopping today. buying warm clothes has always come as something of a challenge to me. jumpers (or sweaters for my more international friends) and coats particularly. i seem to lack the necessary knowledge to know where and what type to buy, so that i end up using a coat during the winter that other people, presumably in the know, say things like "how brave you are to use an autumn coat all winter"! and something i've never understood, are you supposed to by stuff that makes you feel warm outside, or just less cold. because that's what gets me. i buy coats and sweaters and scarves and gloves, but i'm still cold when i go outside! i mean, isn't the whole point of wearing 15 layers to make you feel warm??
rants about warm clothing aside, i'm also embarking on making a christmas cake this weekend. it's my contribution to the family christmas dinner. the baking part of my brain, by which i mean that bit that likes to cook, not any other connotation you wish to make, although if it makes you laugh, feel free, far be it from me to deny you a good chuckle...where was i? oh, yes, so i'm looking forward to it, however it has just occurred to me that this is my first johnston family christmas, so, should i set out to wow and impress, thus earning myself a mountain of admiration and praise? i'm not awake enough to make that decision. ask me again tomorrow
speaking of all things cringle, i'm hoping for a white christmas. i don't think anyone else is but i'll be beside myself if it's snowy on christmas day. there are hints of snow already, not anywhere around here, but just a ways off, like a hint, or mere suggestion. anyway, can you guess what song i'm going to show you??
coming, as i do, from scorchy land, i tend to get overly enthusiastic about the changing seasons. in south east queensland, where i lived most of my life, the seasons kind of just ooze their way from hot, sticky summer to less hot, dry winter. so i've particulary enjoyed the last month or so, watching the leaves change, choosing the delude myself that the lovely crisp mornings are not an indication of how cold it's yet to get.
in japan you have to travel to enjoy the seasons. we lived almost in the heart of osaka, which means smack bang in the middle of a concrete, wire infested jungle. so you could only notice the changing of the seasons from way over there. here, though, we have trees and forests and meadows all around, so i get to be all doe-eyed when i look out the window at the changing scenery. and it might sound hopelessly pastoral, but you can feel the change around you, feel that last urgent push of nature, the last harah before it sleeps it off over the winter.
i kind of feel like this weekend might be the peak of the season, so to speak. it was bonfire night last night. as jeff and i drove into town to visit a mate, we saw fireworks going off all over the place. tonight we're off to a big bonfire with friends. for those of you in the know, don't worry, jeff has been banned from handling the fireworks.
anyway, i am enjoying falling for fall. i have to say though, so far the highlight would have to have been the fire-twirling morris dancers.
(i tried to upload a video, but seem to be incapable of getting it to work. just imagine three guys, twirling around, shouting hey, and spinning fire to ring of fire, by jonny cash, played on the accordion!)