why, hello gentle reader, and welcome to mystery masterpiece blog...
nah, that won't work. how about...
yo, what's up my peeps? dis be the words i write....
hmm, don't think so. Let's try...
it was the winter of 2010 and I found myself in Brisbane...
blah, no!
picture, if you will, a young woman, tall and full of effulgence, staring fixedly at the horizon, hope burning in her unplacid eyes.
there we go! equal parts pretentious and modest!!
her hand rests lightly on her waist, her other hand shading her ivory brow, searching for something away off yonder. suddenly, a shadow, nay, a mere smudge, appears in the distance, and her breath catches in her majestic bosom. as it resolves, a smile lightens her visage, and her statuesque limbs quiver with enthusiasm...
ok, ok, so it may not have happened exactly like that, but it sounds better than me describing endless days of guilty tv-watching, obsessively checking my emails. and i did dance around like a spaz in my aunt's apartment when i the email finally did come, so you know, dancing like a spaz, statuesque arms quivering with excitement, they sound the same to me!
but, anyway, i've decided (either wisely or stupidly, i'm not sure which) to write a blog about my first year in england or old blighty (hence o.b.). hang on...
switched off the italics. so, the plan is to write an entry every friday about the previous week, probably, if i'm completely honest with myself, to save me having to actually use my voice and tell people what's been happening in my life.
53 is for the number of weeks that i plan to write this blog. 52 for the first year, and 1 for this coming week, which is my last week in oz. next week's entry will be written on my first night in the uk.
so, essentially, what i'm saying is, if you want know what's happening in my (insert appropriately fabulous adjective here) life then read my blog. if you're not interested, well, you should be!
and for those of you who care about such things, i don't use capitals, because capitals are for losers!